Tag: lyme disease
Read more: flabbyMy mind, body and spirit have grown flabby from Lyme. I had good news from my doctor this week. I am, metaphorically, sprinting down the backstretch. Only I\’m not sprinting, I\’m lackadaisically strolling, the one pace Lyme allowed. This is supposed to be good news, and it is. I haven\’t figured out what it means…
Read more: ogledI went to Victoria’s Secret with my daughter Katie last week. She just turned thirty. I am fifty-eight. If you are the mother of a daughter, there comes a day of reckoning, a watershed moment that is not always welcomed. The day men’s eyes slide right past you and land squarely on your daughter. I remember…
Read more: circlesThis weekend is my fortieth high school reunion. I am going. There is something about Texas that keeps me coming back, but I\’m not a Texan. I\’m what I like to call an \’accidental Texan\’. My parents aren\’t Texans, they are from Kansas, dropped into Texas because my dad was a geologist. I was born…
relentless optimist
Read more: relentless optimistIt’s high time I started writing about my life and Lyme disease. There’s more to life than Lyme, and there’s more to Lyme than most people know. My experiences are depressingly familiar to anyone who has been misdiagnosed, and then diagnosed with Lyme disease. I’ve lost nearly a year to Lyme, a long slog in…
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