Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: illness

  • time

    If I were to characterize myself, I\’d be the grasshopper in Aesop\’s Fable #373, \”The Ant and the Grasshopper.\” The grasshopper dances and frolics all summer, while the ant toils away, gathering food for the winter. When winter comes, the cold and hungry grasshopper begs the ant for food and shelter, and is refused. The…

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  • deflate

    My favorite! I didn\’t think anyone noticed this particularly delightful symptom, but they do. It\’s when you feel pretty good—you\’re shopping for furniture or at a concert at Red Rocks, or just playing pickleball when WHAM! Deflate. I\’ve been thinking about exactly what happens, and how perceptive people can notice so quickly. I\’m a fairly…

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  • confinement

    Being sick is boring. I used to joke that Lyme had transformed me into a swooning Victorian lady until shit got real. Then it wasn\’t funny anymore. Seriously, think what it must have been like to be sick before, say, 1910. There would have been days, weeks, hell, months of confinement with little to do but lie there.…

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  • genes

    With all the talk about elections, race identity has become a thing. White people are clamoring to stay on top, everyone else is frantic, and with good reason. Recently, a dear friend had her DNA tested, the kind of test that gives you percentages of your heritage. Hers was a veritable smorgasbord of ethnicities. She…

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  • relentless optimist

    It\’s high time I started writing about my life and Lyme disease. There\’s more to life than Lyme, and there\’s more to Lyme than most people know. My experiences are depressingly familiar to anyone who has been misdiagnosed, and then diagnosed with Lyme disease. I\’ve lost nearly a year to Lyme, a long slog in…

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