Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: writing

  • mental

    I\’ve been thinking about suicide a lot lately. Wait, don\’t panic! Not in a real way, but in a Lyme way. There is a difference, and it is significant. Psychiatric problems from Lyme are well-documented and common. After all, there are, quite literally, bugs in your brain, wreaking havoc. So when I say I think about suicide,…

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  • comfort

    This blog was originally about losing my mind and being sad when I got well enough to realize I lost my mind for a good long while. There is little doubt (at least to me) that my brain is returning.  I kept veering off the subject of crazy, though. and into grief. I had no…

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  • intuition

    I run hot and cold on trusting my intuition. There have been times when I know down to my bones that I am doing the right thing. Other times, I waffle, unsure if I can trust my gut feelings. Intuition is a slippery beast, a decision based on feelings, without evident rational thought or interference.…

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  • time

    If I were to characterize myself, I\’d be the grasshopper in Aesop\’s Fable #373, \”The Ant and the Grasshopper.\” The grasshopper dances and frolics all summer, while the ant toils away, gathering food for the winter. When winter comes, the cold and hungry grasshopper begs the ant for food and shelter, and is refused. The…

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