Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: treatment

  • Herbs

    People are often amazed by how many herbs I use for Lyme treatment. Our medical community has done a fine job of discrediting the use of herbs to treat many illnesses effectively. I think people imagine me wandering down the aisles of Whole Foods or Natural Grocers, picking up things that will help me with…

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  • intuition

    I run hot and cold on trusting my intuition. There have been times when I know down to my bones that I am doing the right thing. Other times, I waffle, unsure if I can trust my gut feelings. Intuition is a slippery beast, a decision based on feelings, without evident rational thought or interference.…

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  • fractious

    I am scratchy and irritated these days. Is it the nature of healing? Is being constantly annoyed a sign that I\’m getting better, and if so, why? You\’d think I\’d be all happy and excited, and I am, but I\’m also fractious. I curse at all the drivers on the road, loudly and often. This isn\’t new,…

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  • symptoms

    I don\’t write much about the symptoms of Lyme. For one, it\’s a rather long list. For another, who really cares, except for me, who experiences them? But I\’ve been thinking about symptoms lately, because now that I\’m getting out more, people ask me what my symptoms were. I kind of hem and haw and…

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