Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: pain

  • vaccine

    I got the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine this week. Surprisingly easy, except for the questions. \”Have you had any COVID symptoms in the past week?\” \”Have you had muscle aches, fever, or fatigue in the past 24 hours?\” Ummmm…yes? I\’ve learned to lie when asked these kinds of questions. It\’s not technically a lie,…

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  • curses

    I curse. A lot. Recent studies indicate cursers are smarter and more honest. Yes! Let\’s go with that. I can\’t remember the first time I heard someone curse, or the first time I cursed. I do remember cursing with my friends on the bus, the words spitting out of my mouth. Curse words are often…

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  • relentless optimist

    It\’s high time I started writing about my life and Lyme disease. There\’s more to life than Lyme, and there\’s more to Lyme than most people know. My experiences are depressingly familiar to anyone who has been misdiagnosed, and then diagnosed with Lyme disease. I\’ve lost nearly a year to Lyme, a long slog in…

    Read more: relentless optimist

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