Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: memory

  • time warp

    Anybody who has known me for any length of time knows that I am the world’s worst at dates and times. This is a neural defect I can’t blame on Lyme. It’s also not ADHD, nor is it carelessness. I could blame it on falling out of a tree at the age of seven. My…

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  • body

    I like my body. I\’ve never quite trusted it, because it was broken when I was seven. I fell out of a tree and fractured my skull. I was in a coma for about a week. It\’s funny what you remember about hospital stays, especially when you\’re young. I definitely remember the nurses coming in…

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  • lapses

    Now that I am attempting to resume my interrupted life, I\’m discovering a few things. Earlier in my life, I had many surgeries, mostly for having a reproductive system, but also cryosurgery to repair a torn retina and ACL replacement. After each of those surgeries, there was a period of time that I simply lost.…

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