Life and Lyme

Muddling Through Life with Lyme Disease

Tag: drugs

  • doublechecking

    I like to google the side effects of the drugs I take. I used to do this several times a day, mainly because I could never remember what they were from hour to hour. I do it a lot less now. A month ago, some not so good symptoms crept back (a whole other google…

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  • acceptance?

    I fucking hate babesia. Babesia is one of my co-infections, a malaria-like parasite also called a \”piroplasm\”, whatever the fuck that is. It clouds my mind and saps my energy. I get angry and depressed for no reason. My eyes go wonky. All the normal boring crap, too, like fatigue and muscle aches and joint pain. For once,…

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  • fractious

    I am scratchy and irritated these days. Is it the nature of healing? Is being constantly annoyed a sign that I\’m getting better, and if so, why? You\’d think I\’d be all happy and excited, and I am, but I\’m also fractious. I curse at all the drivers on the road, loudly and often. This isn\’t new,…

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  • lapses

    Now that I am attempting to resume my interrupted life, I\’m discovering a few things. Earlier in my life, I had many surgeries, mostly for having a reproductive system, but also cryosurgery to repair a torn retina and ACL replacement. After each of those surgeries, there was a period of time that I simply lost.…

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